
Huge investments have been carried out in sports teams and professional sports leagues all over the world. There are different sports that are popular in different parts of the world. In the United States, it's American Football, in Europe and UK it is Football (soccer); in the Indian sub-continent and Australia, it is Cricket that attracts the largest crowd. The research analyses this business of investments in sports leagues around the world. The paper looks at the potential interest in investing in clubs and team franchises of sports leagues. The aim of this paper was to find out the attractiveness and risks, economically and financially, involved in the Global business of sports leagues and the Involvement of business in the field of sports and critically analyze different business models used in the field of sports leagues for conducting business globally. The research utilized the primary data through questionnaires, case studies, and secondary data through government agencies like the census bureau, information compiled for sale by commercial vendors, data published by universities, government, equity research, reports, trade association newsletter, etc. The research concluded sports have always been a unique game of business for players and investing organizations. However, the research recommended the franchise business model used for the business is an appropriate model for conducting business in the field of sports leagues.

  • sports,
  • business,
  • leagues,
  • popular
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SHARMA, D. M. (2022). A CASE STUDY ON GLOBAL BUSINESS OF SPORTS LEAGUE. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 5(04), 01–16. https://doi.org/10.33826/ijmras/v05i04.3

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