
In 1863, Hopkins went to Oxford and while reading Classics began his lifelong friendship with Robert Bridges, who published his poems posthumously in 1918. His earliest diaries are full of sensitive and close observation on nature and poetic imagery. With zest he studied words and the 'Onomatopoetic theory' of the origin of language. Thus early he envinced for combined meaning, sound, and suggesfion which was later turned to an exhaustive account in his poetry. Most of the poems he himself attempted between 1862 and 1868 were either derivative or abortive. As an exception, in the The Habit of Perfection we see with what si^ill and genuine poetic passion he could handle the conventional forms and metres." The Oxford Movement, began in 1833, was a great effort to establish the Authority and Catholicity of the English Church and to refuse into it something of the medieval spirit of intellectual and natural piety. Together with William Addis and the other undergraduates, Hopkins became an ardent Puseyite and Ritualist.

  • Poets,
  • Catholic,
  • Ritualist
  • Abbott, C.C. (Ed.) Further Letters of Gerard Manley Hopkliii (LefidQR : OUP, 1956)
  • Abbott, C.C. (Ed.) The Correspondence of Gerard Manle.yHdpklftS mi Richard Watson Dixon (London : OUP, 1955).
  • Abbott, C.C. (Ed.) The Letters of Gerard Manley HopIiiH^ teR§bgrt Bridges (London : OUP, 1955).
  • "Letters of Hopkins to Bridges" ed. C.C. Abott from Further Letters of Hopkins (London : Oxford, 1956), p. 174.
  • Bender, T.K., Gerard Manley : The Classical Background and Critical Reception of his Work (Baltimore : John Hopkins, 1966), p. 148.
  • Bergonzi, Bernard, Gerard Manley Hopkins (London : The Macmilan Press Ltd., 1977), p. 133.
  • Boyle, Robert, Metaphor in Hopkins, (Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, 1961), p. 152.
  • Bridges, Robert, Gerard Manley Hopkins From Ifor Evans, Op.cit., p. 270.
  • Gardner, W.H. (ed.). Poems and Prose of Gerard Manley Hopkins (London : Penguin Books, P.P. 1953, ed. Used 1976), Introduction XXX.
  • Henser, Alan. The Shaping Vision of Gerard Manley Hopkins (London : OUP, 1958)
  • Keating, J.E. The Wreck of Deutschland : An Essay and Commentary, Kente State University Bulletin (Jan. 1963)
  • Mackenzie, N.H. Hopkins (Edinburgh and London : Oliver and Boyd, 1968).
  • Pinto, Vivian de Sola, Crisis in English Poetry (1880-1940) (London :Hutchinsion Univ. Lib., 1951), pp. 72-73.
  • Preyer, Robert, "The fine Delight that Fathers Thought : Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Romantic Survival" From Victorian Poetry ed. M. Bradbury and D. Patmer (London : Edward Arnold PublishersLtd., 1972),p. 189
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Abdullah Ansari. (2021). EXPOSITION OF CATHOLIC THEOLOGY IN HOPKIN’S POETRY. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 4(04), 01–17. Retrieved from https://mail.live.ijmras.com/index.php/ijmras/article/view/271

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