
In recent years, the relevance of Lab-on-Chip (LOC) technology and micro-Total-Analysis-Systems (mTAS) has developed in tandem with the growing demand to carry out diagnostic procedures outside of a laboratory setting. This has resulted in the expansion of the potential for these two types of systems. The consolidation of several laboratory procedures onto a single device has become significantly easier because of recent developments in micro- and nanofabrication. TAS takes these capabilities to a whole new level by including incorporating chemical analysis with the intention of developing platforms that function as "Sample-In, Answer-Out" systems. The diagnosis and monitoring of patients may be moved from traditional clinical treatment settings to the patient's bedside using point-of-care (POC) environments, which can make use of the aforementioned technologies to great effect. Digital microfluidics biochips, also known as DMFB, are a relatively new LOC technology that is increasingly being investigated as a potential platform for use in point-of-care field deployment and in the process of providing a prompt diagnosis. Processing mistakes are a natural consequence of using a system like this.

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  • Biochemical,
  • LOC Technology,
  • Digital Microfluidics Biochips
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How to Cite

Manindra Tiwari. (2021). MICRO FLUIDIC BIOCHIPS WITH INVARIANT ATTESTATION OF BIOCHEMICAL. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 4(05), 01–15. Retrieved from https://mail.live.ijmras.com/index.php/ijmras/article/view/201

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