
This paper deals with the beginnings and historical evolution of Pharmacy studies in Great Britain and on the role played by the first women who practiced the profession there, The circumstances of that time, which made very difficult for a woman to work in that area, the biography of the first English woman licensed in Pharmacy, Fanny Deacon, and the biographies of the women who followed her as graduates in Pharmacy in Great Britain are commented, detailing not only their personal data but also the impact they had on the evolution and development of Pharmacy studies in their country. These women were Alice Vickery, Isabella Skinner Clarke, Margaret Elizabeth Buchanan, Rose Coombes Minshull, and Agnes Thompson Borrowman. The main objective of the paper is to reveal the figures of these first women in Pharmacy in Great Britain to society, To do this, the methodology used has been usual in research of this type: search of data on these women in bibliographical and computer sources, as well as in historic archives. As main results, the biographies of these pioneers pharmacist women mentioned above have been elaborated.

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How to Cite

Núñez Valdés, J. (2021). WOMEN IN THE EARLY DAYS OF PHARMACY IN GREAT BRITAIN. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 4(12), 01–12. https://doi.org/10.33826/ijmras/v04i12.1.1

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