
Vitamin ‘’A ‘’deficiency in the plant food addiction population, it is desirable to improve the bioavailability of pro-vitamin A. Certain spices can alter the ultrafine structure and permeability of the intestine. Here, by examining the intestinal absorption of rats fed black pepper, red pepper, ginger, piperine, and capsaicin, some common spices are given for the possible effects of pro-vitamin A on intestinal absorption. I looked it up. Higher in vitro absorption of pro-vitamin A in the intestine has been demonstrated in all spiced animals. Dietary piperine and ginger increased pro-vitamin A intake by 147% and 98%, respectively. Absorption of animals fed black pepper and red pepper increased by 59% and 27%, respectively, while capsaicin from the diet increased by 50%. Therefore, significantly improved intestinal absorption of beta-carotene has been demonstrated as a result of the consumption of hot spices, which may form a food-based strategy that may reduce vitamin A deficiency.20


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How to Cite

Al Fakri, R., & Patel , P. A. . (2021). THE EFFECTS OF SPICES BLACK PEPPER, RED PEPPER AND GINGER ON PROVITAMIN-‘An’ INTAKE BY RAT INTESTINE. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 4(12), 01–06.

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